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Shrink tunnels: more sustainable thanks to PACTUR’s engineering

Who is Pactur
Paola Dozza

Pactur’s shrink tunnels are designed so as not to lose the heated air into the atmosphere, thanks to a system of turbines developed by us to create an internal recirculation of the air and, at the same time, to blow air all over the product.

Temperature control is made through a PID system (proportional-derivative-integrative), which activates solid-state relays. The PID controller is a control algorithm with a predefined structure, which is tuned (calibrated) by choosing the value of some parameters. Correction factors are calculated by comparing the output value with the set value and applying gains that minimize overshoot and oscillation, while implementing the change as quickly as possible. PID control on a shrink tunnel heating system grants a constant and continuous variation of the output within a feedback mechanism of the control loop, in order to verify the process and ensure the absence of oscillations and, therefore, maximum saving.


Thanks to its engineering, Pactur has developed this system of turbines to create an internal circulation of the air and, at the same time, to blow homogeneously air all around the product. Beyond the shrinking performances, we wanted to grant considerable energy savings, thanks to the continuous reuse of the air already present in the circuit without constant aspirations from outside. This reduces hot air leaks into the surrounding environment, it improves operators’ working conditions and it creates better energy sustainability.
 Pactur’s shrink tunnels – Side view
Pactur’s shrink tunnels – Side view
 Pactur’s shrink tunnels – Side view
Pactur’s shrink tunnels – Side view


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